Monday, September 8, 2014

Vocab #3

accolade noun: an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit; a touch on a person's shoulders with a sword at the bestowing of a knighthood.
ex) The accolade given to Mr. Turniptruck was for his outstanding accomplishments in finding an eco friendly way to grow turnips.
acerbity noun: expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way
ex) When he first started growing, Turniptruck was hounded with acerbity because his idea of developing turnips that did need water was absurd and impractical.
attrition noun: : a reduction in the number of employees or participants that occurs when people leave because they resign, retire, etc., and are not replaced; the act or process of weakening and gradually defeating an enemy through constant attacks and continued pressure over a long period of time
ex) After the harsh criticism and ludicrous mannerisms of Mr. Turniptruck, he suffered a great attrition and was straight out of luck.
bromide noun: a drug that makes a person calm; a commonplace or tiresome person; a commonplace or hackneyed statement or notion
ex) After his fail of a crop, he became a bromide and ate turnip flavored ice cream all day to keep his dream alive.
chauvinist noun: undue partiality or attachment to a group or place to which one belongs or has belonged; an attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex; behavior expressive of such an attitude
ex) The chauvinist of the village patronized him for being a man and blamed his failed idea on that. She was a feminist. 
chronic adjective: continuing or occurring again and again for a long time; happening or existing frequently or most of the time; always or often doing something specified
ex) Suddenly, at the peak of his failure, Mr. Turniptruck experienced a chronic drought and this was his sink or swim moment.
expound verb: to explain or state (something); to give details about (something)
ex) He proceeded to expound his ideas of how to revolutionize turnip growing.
factionalism noun: a group or clique within a larger group, party, government, organization,
ex) The UTGA (United Turnip Growers of America) was a successful faction within the village and listened to Mr. Turniptrucks methods of savior.
immaculate adjective: (especially of a person or their clothes) perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.
ex) Mr. Turniptruck took great care of his turnips and kept them in an immaculate truck where they grew from the pure love of Mr. Turniptruck. (that was his secret)
imprecation noun: a spoken curse.
ex) Mr. Turniptrucks also had another secret up his sleeve, he was a wizard had casted an imprecation over his turnips to grow.
ineluctable adjective: unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable.
ex) The results of turnip growth increased tenfold and this new grower could not be ignored. The ladies were captivated by Mr. Turniptruck’s ineluctable charm.
mercurial adjective: (of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
ex) The village had a mercurial behavior and found a way to accept the secret wizard of a turnip grower who would save the town.
palliate verb: make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause.
ex) The drought was palliated through this new turnip growing method and life was good.
protocol noun: the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs
ex) The protocol to deal with something of this greatness had not been brought up yet and so the decision on how to reward Mr. Turniptruck had to be made.
resplendent adjective: attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous(splendid and expensive looking)
ex) The committee first decided to give him a resplendent, golden turnip trophy.
stigmatize verb: describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.
ex) The stigma against inventive farmers was now lowered and less prejudice was passed against them and they could all grow in peace now.
sub rosa adjective/adverb: happening or done in secret.
ex) Before the growers had to do sub rosa growing in the dead of night, which was most inconvenient.
vainglory noun: inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessive vanity.
ex) Mr. Turniptruck felt excessive vainglory and was proud of his contribution to society.
vestige noun: a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
ex) Ironically a drought popularized turnip growth and water was now vestige and not necessary because the town LOVED turnips and ate them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
volition noun: the faculty or power of using one's will.
ex) Mr. Turniptruck, his turnips, and the town all lived happily ever after in their small town off the coast of Madagascar and Mr. Turniptruck taught the valuable lesson of volition and staying true to oneself. 

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