Monday, April 20, 2015

Macbeth act 3 reading notes

- Macbeth king and banquo saying prophecy right
- Macbeth trying to woe banquo by saying most valuable guest
- Macbeth fear banquo and his knowledge and good heart
- Macbeth order to kill banquo and son
- Macbeth paranoid from the murder and thinks people know it was him
- why does he go to wife for consoling and show his paranoid self and show weakness? 
- banquo dead but son escapes
- foreshadow that since son ran away he will come back and reveal Macbeth to everyone or attempted murder and increase macbeths paranoia 
- ghost of banquo shows up and this represents macbeths guilt 
- ghost increases macbeths craziness and Macbeth shows his distraught to his party members 
- Macbeth looks insane and this shows his evolution and change from confident man in eye if public to an individual who talks to nothing and hysterical
- thunder signify witches and dark magic?
- Macbeth done bad and not followed project right? 
- people starting to turn on Macbeth and think of him as bad and not deserving 

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