Chapter 2:
- brain wash and hypnopaedia with repeating idea over and over into kids heads for years and years so it become the only thing they know
- nursery explained with light and putting ripe flowers and life out. Juxtapose with pale death and whiteness of marble
-window one east side is symbol of opportunity and light but also having something come so close and not being able to do anything about it because there is something that olds you back from acting
- significance of races? emphasizing diversity?
- nurses are submissive to DHC and do hat he says with no question. Were they conditioned to obey him as children?
- say infants unloaded as if cargo and not human beings
- babies are pure and that is shown when sun comes from behind the cloud and roses bloom and babies smiling
- DHC destroyed happiness so ironic that happy room but horrible sadness goes on.
- make babies hate the very thing that you naturally love
- describe babies when electricity is on as dead carcasses that have just been killed. Still twitching and stiff
- ordinary terror?
- society built on fear
- describes room after babies leave as welcome silence? Just after babies were electrocuted people are happy they are gone but not even affected by the fact that the babies were tortured
- abolish the love of nature as if it is something that can be taken away. What if we had abolition of freedom, imagine the chaos that would happen, but these peopled trained to just accept
- "The most historical facts are unpleasant"
- explain mothers had being mothers and who they were and what they did to boys and they were confused. They missed out on the unconditional love of someone else.
- At one time had all of those things, what happened that made them change?
- hypnopaedia was first for intellectual education but failed because no meaning behind the phrases learned and no connections to the brain personally. then made for moral education and worked because changing who someone is and what they value of true(like memorizing something and actually learning and applying something)
- playing on education system how we are conditioned to learn certain things when scene in book when kids repeating what the different classes are and how to perceive them. No freedom at all to think just mindless repetition and brainwash
- comparison with water and liquid sealer?
- child's mind is the adults mind
Chapter 3
- kids don't have choice who they love
- monogamy is not ok and looked down upon which is opposite of today
- How to suppress the feelings that you have for someone?
- Seems simpler
- first paragraph is calming and describe as regular day and there are naked children running around
- Who is our Ford?
- madness to play sports which increase consumption
- kids doing grown up things but still think of them as just kids
- most facts about the past do seem incredible. always do that, have do as in emphasizing how weird the pst was. done it in multiple chapters
- Polly still scared of getting in trouble because still just a kid and has that innocence to still be pure
- Mustapha Mond is the Ford and founder?
- a lot of repetition
- scene where assistant predestinator says the the graphics were so good that why we don't get taught about history anymore because it can just be recreated to be bigger and better
- those who feel themselves despising do well to look it. says that we believe our duty is to look how we feel and think we are. hard to hide who we really are. foreshadow change?
- having mother is shameful and bad. seems dark subject and something people try to avoid because maybe want something like it
- describe woman's locker room in great detail but women and area like party or chaotic. Loud and on some level gross with water gurgling out.
- lenina and fanny
- home described like prison and something someone doesn't want. describe this way to enforce fear
- home was psychically and physically. suffocating. mother brooded over her children like brew or food. think breast feeding is gross but children can be naked together and that is normal.
- syntax is shifting between lenina story and mustafa mond story
- monogamy not ok and lenina like specifically Henry Foster
- everyone belongs to everyone else
- have to share and that is the essence of utopia is that everyone is equal and no structure but the fact that there is no structure, there is structure in the way that it has to have certain rules
- commenting on how relationships can be toxic and overrated
- lonely isolating pain is opposite of what you think when you are in a relationship. no stability
- metaphor of vice being trumpet
- machine turning symbolize utopian society as just factory and has to keep moving and regulating or things fall apart and people can fell again. must be manual though so need support of others which is opposite of what everyone is given. Support is taken away from citizens
- make an effort for promiscuity and sometime you don't feel like doing it. personify it as if having to do manual activity like exercise.
- fearful of Bernard because alone. opposite of what we have today, when someone is with everyone we look down upon them.
- alone is sign of figuring something out because you have time to think?
- repetition of some phrases when Lenina's part is on. IS she going through repetition or hearing it?
- Bernard man who doesn't objectify women and thinks Lenina as actual person. Different in mind so isolated
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