Monday, August 11, 2014


-If you think about evolution the first humans evolved from something less than what we are today. Do we, in today's society, have anymore evolution left in us? Are we done growing, is this it for us?
-Why do we have an innate nature to want more? Why do we find entertainment in the misfortune of others? Is it neurological or just wired in us?
-Why do Americans have a different accent than people in Europe? If we originated from colonized European civilizations why do we differ in our speech?
-Why are we so afraid of judgement? ( I know I am)
-As humans we always look at the imperfections and mistakes but when we pass a wheelchair we look away as if we feel sorry for them? But what if those people that we feel sorry for are happier than us? Why do we feel the need to look at someone and stare at their mistakes as if we can change them?

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